<Janet留言> 轉自 Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 facebook
我現在的狀況是隨時都會生小孩 - 這讓我又開心又害怕!雖然我知道平常的我都看起來(或是給大家的感覺)很勇敢或是什麼都不怕。平常工作或是忙的時候, 的確是不太會想太多應該如何變成一個好媽媽或是怎麼把寶寶生出來。
Shit is starting to get real. Well, not as real as the⋯⋯ literal real shit that’s going to come out once the baby makes his/her entrance into the world, but you know what I mean.
I could pop any day now and that both excites and TERRIFIES me. I know I put on a strong courageous face normally and honestly, when I’m working and busy, I tend not to think too much about what it’s going to be like to be a mom or to go through labor.
但是最近,我真的被 “生寶寶”這件事有一點嚇到。我目前希望用最自然的生產方式,不打無痛。 沒錯,我不知道我是瘋了還是怎樣,但是我真的想要先試試看不打任何的東西,就是自然的把小孩生出來。我聽了很多媽咪們的故事然後很多人都順利的生,所以我也覺得我一定也可以。 而且我也看了很多書/網站,然後聽起來是每一個女人都有那個本能把小孩生出來,一切都是是很自然的事。 你的身體會告訴你該怎麼做:什麼時候該用力、什麼姿勢是最舒服最不痛的姿勢等等。
But the thing that has really been scaring me recently is LABOR. My birth plan is to try and deliver the baby as naturally as possible, with any pain medication. Yeah.. WITHOUT an epidural. I know it’s kind of crazy and insane to want or think I can go through so much pain without any help, but so many women have done it before me and have survived, so it makes me think I can do it too. Plus, after reading up on it a bit more and talking with other women who have also delivered without any pain medication, labor is supposed to something that a woman just knows what to do, and her body will tell her what exactly it needs to do and when.
當然我也不排斥打無痛,甚至剖腹,不論如何我很清楚我最最最最最最大目標就是有一個健康的寶寶,而我也能健康的離開醫院。 所以如果有任何需要或是醫生建議我的話,我完全不介意有醫療介入(醫療干預)! 我也不會讓我的固執或是我常常追求完美的個性給自己壓力。我知道我會為了寶寶去做任何需要做的事。
Of course, I’m not completely against the idea of an epidural or even a C-section. My end result and ultimate goal is to have a healthy baby and for me to come out as healthy as possible. So if medical intervention is needed for whatever reason, I’m not going to let any sort of stubbornness or sense of pride get in the way, and I will do whatever is necessary to deliver a happy and healthy baby.
我覺得既然我都這麼害怕了,也已經在懷疑我到底有沒有這個能力把小孩生出來,我只是想盡力試試看自然產, 不太想要再聽到下面這些負面的話:
我很傻: 我一定承受不了那個痛/我不懂那個感覺
醫療都這麼發達就是為了讓媽媽不痛, 為什麼我不直接相信醫療呢?
What I DON’T need right now is to hear from people that:
I’m going to regret NOT getting an epidural right away
I’m silly to try and deliver without an epidural because the pain is unbearable
I won’t be able to handle the pain and I’m going to have to get an epidural anyway
Medicine is so advanced right now and I should just let the doctor help me to not feel any pain
你可以的, 你的身體會告訴你怎麼辦得到
你旁邊有很多人在幫你(George,媽媽,醫生, 護士, 等)然後可以引導你怎麼過最痛苦的時刻,或是有疑惑的時候
你意志力很強,因為這個痛是有意義的痛, 不是莫名其妙的痛
我們在你旁邊,不管這麼樣, 我們支持你
What I PREFER to hear is:
You have what it takes and your body will know what to do naturally
You will have people around you (George, my mom, the nurses, doctors) who will guide you through the process if you are ever in doubt
You can mentally get through this pain because this is pain with a PURPOSE
We are by your side and here if you need.
這種話不是比較正面幫助嗎? 我知道有很多是好意想要給我他們的意見, 但是有時候, 我真的覺得我跑一個馬拉松然後一直聽到一些 ”啊呀, 你做不到啦!“ ”幹嘛試?“ ”放棄了啦“ 的話⋯⋯其實我真的只需要聽到一句簡單的 “加油” “你可以的” (反正我自己也知道我在跑馬拉松的時候,會有一台大台的救護車在我旁邊,萬一真的需要他的話!)
Sometimes, when I hear the negative thoughts, it makes me feel like I’m trying to run a marathon with people yelling at me that I can’t make it, I can’t do it, why bother even trying, just give up… when I’d rather just hear the simple words “You can do it!” (and of course, knowing that there’s an ambulance driving right there next to me in case, for whatever reason, I do need some help…. But hey. Even the ambulance driver can yell an occasional word of encouragement every now and then, right?!)
我一個好朋友跟我分享了這個口頭禪: 我真的覺得還不錯所以我也分享給所有跟我一樣有一點緊張或是害怕的媽咪們:
A friend of mine reminded me and I hope to spread this any other mother out there who is also going through some of the same anxiety, fear, nervousness, questions, and uncertainty that I am currently going through.
She said, remember this mantra for the PAIN:
P - Purposeful (each contraction is necessary to further stimulate the birthing process), 每一個宮縮,每一個痛都是有它的意義的, 而且是需要的才可以讓我們自然的把小孩歡迎出來
A - Anticipated (there is no surprise element about each contraction, you know it's coming, so you can be prepared) 預期的: 會有頻率的,我們可以在內心稍微準備每一個接下來的痛
I - Intermittent (each contraction only lasts ~1 minute, and then the pain subsides and you get a break to rest) 斷斷續續的: 我們不是不停的痛。 會有休息的時間, 我們可以再歸零。 一個一個來就比較不會覺得過程很長又不停的
N - Normal (unlike pain from an injury, childbirth pain is not harmful to your body... as soon as baby is born, pain goes away) 自然:不像跌倒或是被打的痛,生產的痛對身體不是不好的。小孩一出來,前面的痛就會離開了。會有一個跟好的感覺替換他⋯⋯那就是,看到摸到你的寶寶的幸福!
所以我只想鼓勵其他的媽媽們:如果你有任何的害怕,you are not alone. 你不孤單,因為我也很緊張,我也不知道開始痛的那瞬間我會有什麼反應。 也許我過了2 分鐘就已經大喊的跟醫生說我要打無痛。其實無所謂!重點是這個是我們的決定, 這個是我們自己的身體告訴我們我們該做的事。 我們要相信我們做的任何的決定是為了我們最重要的目標: 一個健康,開始的寶寶。
So, hang in there mommies. Just know that we’re in this together. If you’re having any fears or anxiety, you’re not alone. I’m also scared and I have no idea what’s going to happen the moment I start feeling contractions. Maybe I will just start screaming for some pain medications and that’s OK too. We just need to do what feels right TO US, do what OUR bodies tell us to do, and trust that we are going to make whatever decision WE feel is right to make sure we deliver HEALTHY babies.
我有一個特別要感謝的媽媽: 陳嘉樺 Ella。 她從頭到尾都扮演了一個鼓勵我、幫助我的前輩媽咪、一位好朋友。 我一半的孕婦衣服都是她給我的!我家裡滿滿的小孩的東西也是她給我的。 但是最重要的是她幫我回答了很多疑問,我害怕的時候,她給我勇氣, 然後我不懂或是不了解的時候, 她也分享自己很私人很隱密的故事甚至畫面給我看,所以我可以更勇敢的面對當媽咪這件事!謝謝Ella!也謝謝所有在我周圍的朋友們、粉絲們跟廠商們⋯⋯你們已經讓這個沒有經驗、不知道自己在幹嘛的媽媽放鬆很多了!
One mom I need to particularly thank is Ella. She has been my mentor and friend throughout this whole process. Half of my maternity clothes are from her, she’s given me so much baby stuff and baby advice, and most importantly, she has helped me answer questions, encouraged me when I was uncertain, and even shared some of her most private moments and experiences with me to help make me feel more courageous about being a mom. Thank you Ella. And thank you to all the people surrounding me who have helped me so much already along the way!! George Young
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Janet今天(9/20)po出了和Ella的合照,表示自己特別要感謝一位媽媽,就是陳嘉樺Ella!「她從頭到尾都扮演了一個鼓勵我、幫助我的前輩媽咪、一位好朋友。 我一半的孕婦衣服都是她給我的!我家裡滿滿的小孩東西也是她給我的。」但Janet最感謝的還是,Ella解決了她很多疑問,並給予她勇氣!除了謝謝Ella也謝謝朋友、粉絲、廠商,表示:「你們已經讓這個沒有經驗、不知道自己在幹嘛的媽媽放鬆很多了!」